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You can run reports on your defect information. From the TruChecks drop-down menu, Select Reports.



Select the report by expanding the tree and click on the name of the report. Now select your date range if required. The Defect Summary report and Defect Worksheet does not require a date range will automatically use the current month as a date range.


Click  to generate your selected report(s).


When you have generated the report you will be presented with reporting parameters. You will be able to change the settings of the report for more personalised results. Click Generate again to run the report.


Use the navigation bar at the top of the report to save/print the document.


 Vehicle Check Reports

C1 - Daily Check Status: This report will provide you with a summary of each vehicle and the status of the check on each day. Use the parameter to include the checks that have been changed to "Pass"

C5 - Defect Summary: This report will display a list of defects reported on each vehicle

C3 - Defect WorkSheet: This is a printable worksheet for your workshop with room for a signature


Category/Agency Trend Reports

C2 - Daily Check Failure: This report will give you a detailed overview on the fails and advisories against each vehicle

C4 - Common Defect: This report will show you how many times a defect has occurred across your whole fleet. This is a useful report for spotting trends

C6 - Vehicle Check Summary: This report can only be run a month at a time. It will give a calendar overview of your whole fleet and all recorded check sheets

Article ID:
Views: 275
Created By: George.Townson
Modified By: [Modified By]
Created Date: 7/20/2018 10:04 AM
Last Modified: 10/18/2018 12:21 PM
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